Helping Kids Manage Tough Stuff
Instant Download, no physical product will be sent.
Coping skills are imperative for success in life, and we can help kids bolster up these skills from a young age.
Younger children can face challenges for which they lack skills to solve. Encouraging conversation around these issues can make the problem seem less daunting, promote positive problem-solving skills and help adults see what skills-deficits exist, identifying areas that need more exploration, support and skills instruction.
These little cookies introduce a non-threatening way to promote conversation around difficult or challenging topics.
Included in this digital download (no physical product will be sent) are:
A total of 30 discussion prompts, covering 5 topical areas
~ Anger
~ Sadness
~Being Left Out
A set of blank cookies for adding in your own topics.
You can print out as many of these as you'd like for an endless variety of discussion prompts. The sky's the limit!
Easy instructions are included! Just download, print and follow the simple instructions and you'll be off and using these with your classroom or in your office in no time!
We've added some ideas on how to store these (I love using empty, clean plastic clamshells from berries, cookies, sub sandwiches, etc! Start saving yours NOW! It's a great way to recycle and provide a fun, therapeutic activity all at once!)
A 2.5 inch circle punch (recommended, but not vital!)
An empty box or plastic clamshell
A glue stick (to adhere label to container)
Most importantly, have fun! Isn't that the name of the game? We strive to bring you fun, meaningful resources that make the job of parenting, teaching and providing therapy, easier and more fun for everyone!